Scenario Writing and Scenario Performance


Scenario Writing and Scenario Performance


Scenario Writing:

  • Student authors write an original 1500-word piece of fiction, projecting their choice of one annual topic into the future through an imagined, but logical outcome of actions or events taking place in the world.

Scenario Performance:

  • Student authors develop and perform an oral story of up to 5 minutes, based on their future projection in relation to one of the annual topics and exemplify through original style and voice, character development, and futuristic thinking.

Annual topics (2023-2024):

  • Tourism
  • Urbanization
  • Antartica 
  • Autonomous Transportation

Criteria for Selection

  • Part of the independent enrichment program, 
  • Achieving grades above 95% across subjects,
  • Remarkable leadership skills, creative thinking, reading skills,
  • At the class level, students are able to carry creative, high-level discussions, work collaboratively, and reflect on the application of new skills both individually and in teams, 
  • Personal interest to participate.